Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A New Beginning

HedgeFundsRUs is my digital man cave where I share my journey through starting a hybrid investment fund. 

Here, I will be sharing my journey in learning corporate valuation, documenting my experience of breaking into the financial industry, as well as sharing some insights on niche market areas. 

Growing up, my father always taught me that no matter how small and insignificant you may seem, you should always strive to make a positive difference in your community.

It is quite a noble goal, I suppose, to always being aiming to make an impact in your community, even at the cost of sacrificing certain worldly comforts.

Coming from a long line of public servants, I suppose it is almost fate that I continue this tradition. This time around, however, I want my actions influence to be greater, more global, and thus, requires significant capital. 

So here begins my journey, where, hopefully by the end of 2025 I will be making an annual income of 400k. 

To my parents, to whom, everything I owe.

Dom Patrick

What is the end goal here? What is it that 'thing' I want to see accomplished so badly that I would spent months devising and running an operation?

In the simplest sense: I want to be 'succsessful'. I want to have a fund large enough to rival other funds. I want to out-perform.

I want to be able to act without being limited by bureaucratic inefficencies or be bounded by corporate-heiarchy.

That is the purpose of this, that is what years of self-learning cumulates to. 

— so that we may have the power to change things.

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