Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

Monday, July 12, 2021

Valuation Interim

Hello again, it's been a while since my last post. I hope you all have been well. When it comes to investing and finance, I am a big believer in self learning. To quote Sal Khan "The oldest way and most effective form of learning is to learn at a pace that's comfortable for you and them to master the concepts you go on." The idea that knowledge and education should be available freely and everyone is very important to me and I believe that every person should make the best efforts to educate themselves on the areas of economics, politics, finance and technical sciences. For those curious people interested in learning a bit more about valuation (or anything really...) on their own I would suggest these books. I think these have played a pivotal role in my life in shaping how I see financial sectors and my approach investing.

Value Investing

  • Investment Valuation (Wiley Finance) - Aswath Damodaran
  • Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits

Risk Management

  • Margin of Safety
  • Game Thoery for Applied Economists
  • Dead Companies Walking Scott Fearson


  • The Art of Advocacy
  • Fake Law: The Truth About Justice in an Age of Lies

STEM related

  • Introduction to Logic - Irving M. Copi
  • Acquisition of Complex Arithmetic Skills and High-Order Mathematics Concepts

DP signing off ✌️ ...

Note: This list is going to be continually update alongside my own learning experiences.


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